Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Beginning of It All

And so it starts...we have decided to try our hand at a teaching blog. We did a home decor/thrift/crafts sort of blog this year and did alright. We were featured once :) followed by a few and had a few comments. The truth was we did not have time to teach, come home and make incredible masterpieces and post, link and post some more. Soon our posts became further and further apart. Plus, we often found ourselves on Pinterest more drawn to the classroom pins surfing through a sea of teaching blogs. So now we change tracks and wade into the world of teaching blogs.

So let us introduce ourselves. Since every blogger seems to refer to themselves with a cute nickname, we will too. Let's refer to me as the Queen because after all I have spent 25 years in a classroom. I am a speech pathologist who is in love love love with the school setting...and yes I spent 7 years in the clinical setting - left when it became more about swallowing (ick!) and less about my peds patients. I also spent three years working as an autism consultant. (my favorite kind of student!) I love special education with my whole heart and hate "two times a week for twenty minutes" with every fiber of my being. I currently work in a rural school district serving students K-12 along with a wonderful speech assistant (We'll call her Lady A because she is also a Pinterest lovin' Dollar Store shoppin' fanatic and I am sure we will refer to her often.)

Princess K is my daughter and the other half of my creative brain. She recently finished a dual degree in special education and elementary education. (Mind you she was determined when she entered college she was not going to be a teacher...hah!) She is looking for a job and is in the interview process (One of her favorite interview questions: A student comes to you and says, "My dad says a tomato is a fruit, but I say it is a vegetable." How do you respond? Gotta love Teacher Perceiver interviews!) She is passionate about anything retro or vintage. Frank Sinatra plays regularly on her record player (no typo...she listens to vinyl) She also is an avid thrift store shopper who has gotten me hooked as well. I don't think she wears anything that costs over $4 dollars (and somehow she looks amazing.) She avoids "teacher clothes" with the same fervor other people avoid the bubonic plague.

We both love technology, funny things student say and creativity in the classroom. Our goal for this blog is to share all of what we find, create or stumble upon. Our final promise is that this will be the longest post we do that does not have pictures. We know at the end of a long day with the royal subjects (I've got to stay with my princess theme.) you only want to skim and look. Therefore, we will try to stay away from long winded stories, detailed explanations and long winded diatribes (although with everyone and their brother weighing in on educational reform, that might be a bit hard.)

So here is too a long reign! (Princess K always accuses me of taking a theme too far.)

Queen Pea (and Princess Kay)

1 comment:

  1. Well I do love The Paper Bag following this blog seems like a no-brainer:-)

    Chickadee Jubilee
