Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Technology Tuesday- Padlet

Happy Tuesday everyone! It's Princess Kay here...Queen Pea is on a much needed vacation.  Today for technology Tuesday I want to share one of the websites my third grade class loved to use this past year....Padlet.
Basically, this web based program allows you to make an interactive, collaborative wall.  There are endless possibilities for how to use this in a classroom. It is super easy for students to use.  I would set up a wall and then Padlet gives you a QR code that links to the wall's URL.  I would print off the QR code and my students could just scan it and add their response to the question at the top of the wall.  It was in real time so the students could see each others' responses and I could even put it up on the smartboard.

I used it to informally assess what they were reading during read to self.  The kids loved doing this because they got to see what others were reading.

I also used it as a way to have them assess their own literature circles.  M kids are very honest when assessing themselves as you can tell.  I have had them record their lit circles as well and those are also every enlightening!

 Check out just a few resources on padlet....or google it like I do! (my third graders would tell you that google is my best friend!):

This website is full of awesome tech ideas and is worth checking out for more than his ideas on how to use padlet!

 Here is a handout that Queen Pea came up with for our school's Technology Show and Share:

NWCS Tech Show and Share-Padlet

There are endless ways to use Padlet in the classroom and I am excited to come up with more ways to use it in the upcoming school year.  The possibilities are endless!

We would love for you to share ideas of how you use Padlet in your room or get a chance to see how it works! Head on over to the Padlet we set up to share your ideas!

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